Enema gay anime video

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Being a man of color ( p<0.05) HIV-positive ( p<0.001) diagnosed with an STI ( p<0.01) identifying as “versatile” in sex ( p<0.001) and having more than two unprotected sex partners ( p<0.001) were significantly associated with recent enema use.

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Most participants (65%) used water to douche, 24% added salt, soap, and/or antibacterial products to water, and 30% reported using commercially-available products. While most (88%) reported enema use before receptive anal sex, 28% douched after receptive anal sex. Most (52%) participants reported having douched at least once and 35% reported douching within the last three months. Through online surveys, we examined personal, behavioral, and environmental factors associated with enema use.

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We examined the frequency of enema use, type of products used, and reasons to use and not to use before and after receptive anal sex in a large sample of MSM (N=4992) recruited from sixteen US cities. However, few studies have explored enema use practices.

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Enema use or douching is a risk factor for HIV/STI in men who have sex with men (MSM).

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