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8.1 'Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Dance Crew Edition'.7.6 'Where Exactly on the Globe is Carl Sanpedro?'.7.5 'The Night Begins to Shine 2: You're The One'.6.7 'Slapping Butts and Celebrating for No Reason'.6.6 'How's this for a Special? Spaaaace'.6.5 'Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Second Greatest Team Edition'.4.15 'Batman v Teen Titans: Dark Injustice'.4.14 'The Teen Titans Go Easter Holiday Classic'.4.4 'Accept the Next Proposition You Hear'.4.3 'Hey You, Don't Forget about Me in Your Memory'.

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3.20 'Kicking a Ball and Pretending to Be Hurt'.

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